Popular actor and rising pop music sensation Eric West gives back to those touched by HIV/AIDS with new song according to Yahoo! News.
Putting behind the Justin Timberlake and Usher comparisons triple threat model, singer and actor Eric West is using his name which made him one of the most exciting new faces to hit the international model scene with a recent photo spread in Marie Claire Japan, and the face that got him voted by the Internet Movie Database as one of Hollywood’s “Top Fresh New Faces of 2004” for an AIDS cause.
The successful model-turned actor/singer recently got picked to appear in Lindsay Lohan’s next film, and has become an overnight gossip column favorite this year, but he manages to put his focus towards increasing funding for projects which target the prevention of HIV infection and the prevention of the progression of HIV to AIDS. West, recently recorded the song ‘Wires,’ which in an interview with V Magazine, the singer states:” Working on my album has been an amazing journey, a lot of it has been inspired by people, and more so life, with my music, I don’t want to compete with every other singer out there, but I want to make a difference in peoples lives, that matters to me, more so than selling millions of albums. I pray that I am able to changes lives or at least help to make them better, and I know it will be a risk to release a song about HIV/AIDS like “Wires,” but I’m willing to take that chance.”
‘Wires’ will appear on Eric’s forthcoming album titled ‘Half “> Life,’ which will be released April 2005, portions of the albums sales will be donated to the Elton John AIDS Foundation and the National AIDS Fund. Eric adds himself to an A-list that includes Charlize Theron, Janet Jackson, Mira Sorvino, and Britney Spears, all who have used their time to help the Elton John AIDS Foundation.

Radio DJ Ryan Redd commented on ‘Wires’ during his AM show, stating ”Eric is doing something that no other young male singer has done, not Usher, not Justin Timberlake, we should stand up and applaud Eric West for taking a risk as an artist and a straight artist, it’s a serious issue and people will appreciate what he is doing. The gay community has showed a lot of support and interest in him. Madonna fans love him, Janet Jackson fans love him.”