Categories: Mis Teeq

Harvey Goes Mushy With Love Song For Aleesha

It’s you girl / You make me feel true girl/ I see you 10 years time / By my side/ Girl give me the key to your heart/ I’ll never tear it apart.

He likes to pretend he is a pop bad boy, but underneath the scowling exterior So Solid Crew’s Harvey is a big softie and the lines above are an excerpt from his new song.

The singer has written a love song for fiancee, the Miss India-pretty Aleesha of R&B/garage girlband Mis-Teeq. The sentimental ballad called ‘My Girl’ is also collaboration with boyband Blue.

Harvey, together with his Aleesha, are considered one of UK’s beautiful couples. He proposed to her earlier this year.

His debut single ‘Get Up And Move’ should be out in shops already.

Nice work Harvey. Way to score points.
