Michael Jackson’s Upcoming Motion Film

Michael Jackson’s new movie will be entitled They Cage Animals At Night. Jackson has joined forces with co-director Bryan Michael Stoller to make his debut as a movie director. The film is based on the book of the same name by Jennings, Michael Burch, which tells the true story of an orphan boy.

Speaking to Hollywood Reporter earlier this week, director Stoller said: ‘Michael always felt that he grew up as an orphan because, in a way, he missed out on his childhood. The boy in the book had a tough time, and Michael related a lot to that. We’re both big kids, and we feel that when it comes to their emotions, we’d be able to draw that out for the big screen.’

While no cast members have yet been decided, the script is currently being worked on. Stoller also revealed that the final draft would be completed by the end of May.

A statement issued by Jackson confirmed the project saying, ‘I feel we have a wonderful team, and I’m looking forward to all of us working together.’Jacko has now finished filming his cameo role for Men In Black 2, due for release in the US on 3 July. The director Barry Sonnerfield has refused to give details on the star’s role, merely saying ‘Michael came in and I showed him where to stand in front of the blue screen. We shot for about five hours.’

However, Will Smith, who will star again in MIB2, indicated in a recent interview that Jackson would play an undercover alien intelligence officer.

And the question I wish to ask is, will Michael contribute to the soundtrack as well? If there’s actually a soundtrack and a theme song, you just know it’ll be huge. Can’t wait for this one.
